The power that is generated has to match what will be used (remember, that's called Load). If what is generated isn't matched, the power generated is lost forever. That's bad for all of us consumers and for the utilities and ultimately for the environment.
Factors Governing Costs
Since generation and load forecasting are integral parts of the economics that affect all of us, it's good to have quality people managing the generation and load forecasting on our behalf.
For that, you can thank your transmission system operators known as the Independent System Operator, or ISO. The ISO coordinates the dispatch of generating units to meet the demand or load of the users across the transmission grid.
What's REP & What Do They Do
When there are competing generators in a region on the same grid, they will sell their generated electricity to retailers thus creating a wholesale electricity market. This is where money can be saved by a prudent and knowledgeable professional Retail Energy Provider, or REP.
Bringing Meaning To Madness
A really good REP should be there to help you lower your costs. If your REP is pushing fixed deals, he has a reason, and that reason is that it means more money in his pocket. Less in yours.
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