Energy Professional Brings Meaning to the Madness of Power Pricing

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Monday, June 15, 2009

Change Brings Rewards

Why are people reluctant to change their Retail Energy Provider, commonly known as REP? Here are some of the reasons why, I think, people don't take action to save money on their electric bills.


Some people are just procrastinators like me. I try hard not to procrastinate but often end up doing that very thing either because I'm short of time, energy, or motivation.

Takes Too Much Time

Some people know they should change their REP, but they are too busy and don't have the time to research the different REPs.

Change Resistant

Some people are just plain resistant to change. It could be they have a false sense of loyalty to the company that provides their electricity. After all, they may have used that same electric company for years or even decades. Why rock the boat?

Action Needed

Regardless of the reason you've stayed with your long time electricity provider, this is your call to action to change. Action must be taken to achieve a better result. The first required action is to determine who is consistently providing not just electricity, because they all provide that, but to find out who gives quality service along with the best possible price.

Second, you must determine which REPs are financially stable and strong. You don't want to change REPs only to discover the one you selected has gone belly up. Do your own research or rely on someone you trust who has already done it and is willing to share it with you.

Benefit Of Changing

The biggest reason to initiate change is that you can probably save money. I mean, why pay more money when you can pay less? Yes, folks, there really is a wide variance in what Retail Energy Providers charge a consumer. Consumer Smith may use 1000 KWH of electricty every month and pay twice as much as Consumer Jones for the very same KWH.

Give Yourself A Raise

Take action and give yourself a raise today. If you own a small or large business or manage one for someone else and want to lower costs with a quality REP, email me to discuss your situation.

Bringing Meaning To Madness

Wake up, folks! It’s your money. Why give more than necessary to the power company? You deserve the best price, and the best service for your hard earned dollars.


"If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight." ~ George Gobel

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