Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.
I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.
Henry Clay, Sr. (April 12, 1777 – June 29, 1852), was a nineteenth-century American statesman and orator who represented Kentucky in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, where he served as Speaker. He also served as Secretary of State from 1825 to 1829. He said, "The arts of power and its minions are the same in all countries and in all ages. It marks its victim; denounces it; and excites the public odium and the public hatred, to conceal its own abuses and encroachments."
Bringing Meaning To Madness
Oh my, so apply stated and so true of our two party system and seemingly getting worse as time goes on. Our current leaders are taking this Republic down a road to self destruction while blaming each other for the demise. It is time to remove the cancer in Congress and replace it with moral common sense and limit government's control over our daily lives. Less government, more freedom of choice!
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