Like Mr. Burns says in his article, I'm like everyone else. My favorite tax is one that doesn't affect me. Want to tax smokers? Bring it on. I don't smoke. I like to think I'm too smart for that since I saw my dad contribute to his death by smoking. My father-in-law too.
Taxes I'm Okay With
Want to slap a luxury tax on a yacht? Go for it. I don't plan to throw away a few million on a floating status symbol.
Want to tax imported luxury cars? Good for you. I buy American because I know enough about economics and balance of trade that it makes me feel downright virtuous to keep our economy strong by supporting the American automotive industry.
How about extremely expensive liquor? I can live with that. I'm a wine drinker mostly. Besides, I've still got a bottle of well-aged Scotch that I bought in a duty-free shop that should last me a very long time.
Let's Change
However, I know that eventually they'll run out of taxes I can live with then they'll start raising income taxes. After all, who do you think paid for all those clunkers that are being crushed if not us, taxpaying Americans?
Now's the time to make a change to a flat national sales tax. Everybody, individuals and businesses, would pay a flat percentage. They could, and should, exempt low income earners. With a small 1-2 per cent flat sales tax, the Treasury would overflow, and we'd all have much more from our hardwork than we currently get.
Think about it. You pay, let's say 1.5% of your annual salary, and Bill Gates pays 2% of his. Wow, we could balance the budget in nothing flat.
Bringing Meaning To Madness
How about it, America? Write your representatives and tell them you're in favor of a flat, across the board, national sales tax of 1.5%. That would be a win/win situation for everyone.
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