Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.
I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.
What should you know about Johann Wolfgang von Goethe? First, how to pronounce his surname. It's a hard G sound, and, in German, is very similar to "Ger Tuh."
His life spanned 1749 to 1832, and he was a German writer, considered by many to be the most important German writer of all. His work influenced not just Germany but all of western civilization.
Goethe said: Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.
Bringing Meaning to Madness
I hope you enjoy this week's Power Quote. If you do, let me know, and I'll keep 'em coming.
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