Wife Made Me
Let's chalk this up to my wife nagging me, I mean, encouraging me to join the world of blogging. Sure, it's easy for her. She's a professional writer who owns 2 blogs for her personal use, and she ghostblogs for others.
Blogging Coach
Guess that means I have my own personal, expert blogging coach. I mean, she writes blogs about how to blog. Look her up if you're interested.
My Mission
Here's what I'll offer you: advice and education about reducing your power costs because that's what I do as a sideline. My main line? I'm a Risk Management/Trader in the Energy Business. Needless to say, I know more than most people will ever know about all kinds of Energy products.
Bringing Meaning To Madness
Follow along as I teach you what the electricity companies don't want you to know.
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