Energy Professional Brings Meaning to the Madness of Power Pricing

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Monday, May 30, 2011


Relationships and Compromise!

Relationships grow stronger when there is compromises made by both parties.

Ah, yes! Where there is a union of two into the blissful idea of "us", we are now "one"; the ultimate questions that confront all of us with relationships deals with the "me" or "we" (selfish or giving)? Where is the priority and what is the long term plan? If the relationship is going to survive there must be compromises made by each and the percent of compromise should be fair and discussed early.

My wife and I have been constantly balancing the relationship "boat-of-life" to be sure ours is sailing down a smooth river. Occasionally, there have been rough waters, but pulling together we righted the boat and were/are off again on the continuous journey of life always hopeful at what's just around the bend.

Bringing Meaning To Madness

The Lord wants all of us to have a healthy and happy relationship with our spouses and children, and their spouses and children. It is up to each of us to find it in our hearts to be just a little more compassionate toward our family members.

Never give up, never surrender!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Choice of Power Company!

My Personal Experience

This Sunday's feature will address my personal choice.

I am choosing to respond to a few emails I have received recently questioning my choice of Glacial Energy as an energy provider. In researching all the utilities/energy providers serving the great state of Texas based on service and lowest price, I discovered that variable rates was consistently cheaper than fixed rates over an annualized period of time. This holds true especially for commercial users. It took me over two months of pricing analysis going back 5 years to come to the decision of which provider was top on my list. Personally, I had been consistently overcharged by the big two in the state and was very leery of the smaller mom-and-pop providers (one who is a friend of mine) trying to get my business. For those of you who question if Glacial Energy is a good company, you are definitely paying more for energy than I am.

Bringing Meaning To Madness

I have been with Glacial over two years now, and I highly recommend them to any commercial business that really wants to save money. They probably will not even require you to sign a long term contract to try them out. Call them and ask. Tell them I sent you!
"If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight." ~ George Gobel

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