I do not know about you, but I will dearly miss Tiger Woods!
2009 has been a year of unbelievable events. Tiger coming back from knee surgery and playing at an exceptional level. Phil finally finding his game at the end of the year after his wife and mother both having breast cancer. Then, horror at the events of Tiger over Thanksgiving when his world blew up in his face, due to his own human mistakes. How unfortunate for Tiger and his family.
I can understand that he is human and accept that he has been put on a throne of godly like admiration for the athlete he is and the persona that we have seen these past 10+ years. I have loved watching him ascend into the heavens with his golf skills and have admired his ability to help children throughout the whole world with his charities. I truly believed that he was infallible in all areas of his life. I also thought his dad was probably one of the best dad's in the world for guiding him through golf and life.
We can all speculate on how or why, and we will never really know. It is not ours to know, only Tiger and his family. I pray that Tiger and his family find forgiveness and build a stronger relationship going forward. In the event that does not take place, I pray that they find peace with each other and heal quickly.
It would also be nice to see our entertainers and news media give the guy a break.
Bringing Meaning To Madness
2010 without Tiger on the PGA Tour will mean less time in front of the TV and more time spent on the course. Maybe my game will actually improve this year.
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Sunday, December 27, 2009
Power Corrupts!?

Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.
I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.
Lord Acton, an English Historian (1834 to 1902)said, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
Bringing Meaning To Madness
I really had to think about that and the only consolation I could come up with is that most really great men that I have come in contact with have never aspired to be political leaders.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Power, The Freedom to Choose!

Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.
I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.
Dr. Stephen R. Covey (an American born in 1932) a professor and best-selling author said, "Between stimulus and response is our greatest power - the freedom to choose."
Bringing Meaning To Madness
America is the greatest country in this world where we as individuals have the right to choose how we want to live. That freedom came at a high price paid for by our forefathers. Exercise your freedom and choose wisely or that freedom may disappear.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Honesty and Power!

Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.
I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.
Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Melish written on January 13, 1813 said, "An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens."
Bringing Meaning To Madness
How we have let our elected representatives continue to hold office when there is little if any sign of honesty, integrity or true representation of the people. It is time for us, all of us, to send a message that we will no longer tolerate dishonesty and abuse of power.
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