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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Power and Control, Be Careful!

Power Quote for the Week

Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.

I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.

Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher from 600BC-531BC, said, "He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”

Bringing Meaning To Madness

Power in any form affects everything that it comes in contact with. Be sure that any power you yield is harnessed with self control to keep from damaging those around you.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Make Haste While the Power is ON!

Power Quote for the Week

Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.

I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.

Epictetus, Greek Philosopher from 50-120, said, "Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.”

Bringing Meaning To Madness

As it is with all power, it has a life of it's own. Use it wisely for it will not last long.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Power Reveals Character!

Power Quote for the Week

Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.

I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.

Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President, said, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power..”

Bringing Meaning To Madness

Give someone authority over others and their true colors come out.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Power! Positive or Negative...Be Careful with it!

Power Quote for the Week

Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.

I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.

Elizabeth Dole served as North Carolina's first female Senator, 2003 to 2009. She said, "We have learned that power is a positive force if it is used for positive purposes..”

Bringing Meaning To Madness

As we all know, power can either be a positive or negative force. When used correctly it enhances all our lives, and when used negatively it is harmful to everyone.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Do the Right Thing!

Power Quote for the Week

Welcome to Sunday's regular feature. Every week you can look for a witty, wise, or profound quotation from assorted folks about power.

I choose these quotations about power as it refers to electricity, since that is what this blog is about. Sometimes though, I'll select a quotation about power, as it relates to the human condition.

Frederick Douglass (born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, (born circa 1818 – February 20, 1895) was an American abolitionist, women's suffragist, editor, orator, author, statesman and reformer. Called "The Sage of Anacostia" and "The Lion of Anacostia", Douglass is one of the most prominent figures in African American and United States history.

He was a firm believer in the equality of all people, whether black, female, Native American, or recent immigrant. He was fond of saying, "I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong." He also said this about power: “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”

Bringing Meaning To Madness

It is a shame that our current leaders in Washington as well as our corporate leaders do not have this same conviction. I do not know about you, but I always feel better doing the right thing.
"If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight." ~ George Gobel

Copyright 2009 by Larry A. Reeves

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Larry A. Reeves,

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