Today, I want to tell you about Glacial Energy, one of the best friends a business owner can have. If you really want the absolute lowest prices on electricity where the monthly savings will allow you to withstand a 3 month spike, you should consider Glacial Energy as your Retail Energy Provider (REP). They're a financially strong and growing energy provider now servicing 15 states.
Secret To Success1. Glacial’s success is in their simplicity. They offer variable rate plans based on the low wholesale prices (MCPE). variable rates, little overhead, simple billing, electronic transfer of funds and no cancellation fees.
2. They have little overhead.
3. They have simple billing.
4. They offers electronic transfer of funds so you help the environment by being paper-free with their email billing and paper-free with no check to write since it's debited from your checking account like a car payment.
5. They require NO cancellation fees if you want to change to another provider.
MCPELow wholesale prices are the Market Clearing Price of Energy. In Texas the MCPE is controlled by ERCOT which I have
previously written about. These are the lowest rates most commercial users can obtain. They are subject to price movements, but they normally beat fixed price deals over a 12 month cycle.
Fixed rates may occasionally beat a variable rate, but not too often. Traditionally, the best deal comes from variable rates in the long run.
OverheadOf Glacial’s employees, 90 % are revenue producing and the remaining 10% handle billing and customer service. Keeping overhead to a minimum and service high allows for lower prices to be passed on to you, the customer.
Simple BillingGlacial only has one price for energy, not tiers of different prices based on usage on the bill. With Glacial, usage is broken out by address if there are multiple locations. Bills can be sent to multiple locations or to one main location, based on your request.
Electronic Transfer Of FundsETF helps keep Glacial’s revenues strong and contributes to their ability to keep bad debt low. That translates into lower prices for you, the customer. You receive a bill 10 days before the funds will be transferred in order for you to review your bill and give them a call if something does not seem correct. That also gives you 10 days to make sure the funds are in your account. So you don't have an embarrassing mistake.
No Cancellation FeesUnlike all their competitors, Glacial does not lock you in to a term contract with hefty fees required to cancel if you don't like them. If you don’t like Glacial, simply give them a 30 day notice and sign up with someone else.
However, when you figure out that they're really the best deal out there, they'll welcome you back without penalty.
Bringing Meaning To MadnessIf you don't want to lock yourself in for 2 or 3 years or even longer in some cases, then the flexibility of variable pricing is for you. Why not sign on with a company that let's you walk away if you think you get a better deal elsewhere?